Saturday, May 29, 2010

Racing against time

Time is the greatest factor that influence the course of events however if not considered strictly there is a possibility of not achieving the intending result, over the years scientists these include engineers , medical consultants, as an information technologist for any software to be efficient and reliable the throughput time which is the time between the request and the response of the system must be treated with care, therefore the throughput time should be minimal this apply also during medical intervention time is key so the question is how do you race against time of course this is costly and involves a lot of risks however a positive attitude plays a great role in this.
here are some advices so you can avoid to go through the hassle of racing against time.
1. plan your day to day activities
2. be realistic
3. seek heaven intervention since God is in charge
4. be cooperative
5. be confident, innovative and use your talents
For more of this simple make a comment

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

drama in my imagination

Today being a Tuesday it was meant to be a busy day for me just because i had to prepare several papers for our clients intending to travel to china for business purpose as i was going about my business my phone rings then receiving the call even without saying hello the other end just start broadcasting a telecommunication company advert, i wonder who gave them the right and permission to temper with my privacy and peace. this part of this era new marketing strategies whereby the consumer or the potential customer has to be bombed with tantalizing advert whether welcomed or not the frenchman says "la raison du plus fort est toujours la meulleur", multinational companies have got billions of dollars in assets and revenues this make them in high position of power to influence government policies even taxes policies. the church has been a place of praise and worship with every decoration reminding us of saints , martyrs and great man of God but this is no more churches have succumbed to the power of multinational company in order share some profits the church must advertize their products on church walls and mega screen whether the congregation like it or not oh what a pity ..... u need more just make a short comment......

Friday, May 21, 2010

hypocricy not the way to go

i like charting with people of different background this has thought me a lot here is the confession of backslider for you who are not well versed with this christian word it means a christian that has lost his focused .
in fact this is what exactly happened not to exaggerate it was a beautiful Sunday the church was full and the pastor was very excited, this was the theme"condom not the the way to go but Jesus is our ultimate protection" .the message was so powerful the power of the holy spirit was vivid some people were already being slain ed by the holy ghost power suddenly the man of God spoke about the real staff why real i wonder the guy was still struggling with sexual immorality being in his early 18 he responded to the popular advert " u never know just carry it with u" but to his disappointment the devil wanted to expose him is now time to give to the lord Pastor said.... so desperate for grabbing the importunity to be blessed by offering to God .. hurriedly the young man reached out to his pocket unfortunately his pocket carried both the condom and his one thousand note just guess what follow... ha ha ha..a free drama do u want more of the story just make a short comment....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

get inspired my dear

In this era of information and communication technology scientists desire to come up with quality products after intensive research, this trend comes with various challenges especially at the early stage of the project, this is caused by lack of inspiration or little inspiration from the researchers here you will get a portion of my book on how you get inspired to see your dreams come to reality.
according to scientists person uses only 10 percent of his brain capacity, some studies suggest even 15 percent only, yet with this thinking capacity a lot has been achieved like new technology and amazing techniques really a lot, now imagine what will happen if a man uses 100 percent of his brain. to my perception almost nothing will be impossible to a man which means situation like Tsunami can be precisely predicted, many dreams will come to pass and so on.
As a result man will have peace, joy for sure living a fulfilled life........
this book is in the offspring

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

life is beautiful

its so happened that i interact with clients from different background and this question keeps coming whenever i chart with them what is life all about ? surprisingly the answer i get first is a bright smile then the second one is yeah..... then umm... it is a hard question then i think life is what you make it suddenly the smile fades this does not surprise me since it has been over and over answer to this crucial question, it is said that action speaks louder than words even the body language can tell as you engage a person in a conversation .
there is a story of a girl who was kidnapped at the age of seven by a pedophile for five years this girl was taken hostage chained like a dog always thrown pieces of meat and bread this was very hostile and terrible but still the little girl could give her tormentor a bright smile after the so called meal, one day as it was a routine after a throwing some chess then bright smile followed this was the continuity a breakthrough to the little girl, the guy unties the girl and had lunch together relaxed the guy switched on the tv set unfortunately fell into a deep sleep ...............
in deed life is beautiful from the bright smile so keep it beautiful just be positive about life let it shine even brighter until then thanks for visiting my blog